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Cellular Metabolism

Acquisition and utilization of nutrients by various cells in the human body provide substrate and energy required for all physiological and pathological processes. 

The laboratory of Dr. Zhu uses molecular and cellular biology techniques, metabolomics approaches and animal models to study fundamental metabolic questions that are relevant to human diseases such as cancer and age-related disorders.

Our Research

Regulation of redox homeostasis

Maintaining redox balance is essential to intracellular metabolic homeostasis. Loss of redox homeostasis underlies the progression of a number of human pathologies. 

The laboratory investigates how cells control redox balance by regulating the metabolism of NADPH, glutathione, iron, and coenzyme Q.

Response to nutrient availability

As a result of both normal and abnormal perturbations, cells are constantly experiencing fluctuating levels of nutrient in the surrounding environment. 

The laboratory aims to understand how cells respond to physiological and pathological changes in the availability of glucose, amino acids, and vitamins, in the context of tumorigenesis and senescence.

Compartmentalized metabolism

Metazoan cells metabolize nutrients to support biological activities in a subcellularly compartmentalized manner.

The laboratory investigates compartmentalized nutrient production and utilization, as well as how nutrients are transported between subcellular compartments in a regulated manner.