

Zhu J# (co-corresponding author), Wang H, Jiang X#. mTORC1 beyond anabolic metabolism: Regulation of cell death. J Cell Biol. 2022 (Review article)

Pavlova NN*, Zhu J* (equal contribution), Thompson CB. The hallmarks of cancer metabolism: Still emerging. Cell Metabolism. 2022. (Review article)


Zhu J, Schwörer S, Berisa M, Kyung YJ, Ryu KW, Yi J, Jiang X, Cross JR, Thompson CB. Mitochondrial NADP(H) generation is essential for proline biosynthesis. Science. 2021.


Yi J*, Zhu J* (equal contribution), Wu J, Thompson CB, Jiang X. Oncogenic activation of PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling suppresses ferroptosis via SREBP-mediated lipogenesis. PNAS. 2020.


 Schwörer S, Berisa M, Violante S, Qin W, Zhu J, Hendrickson RC, Cross JR, Thompson CB. Proline biosynthesis is a vent for TGF-b induced mitochondrial redox stress. EMBO J. 2020.


Zhu J, Berisa M, Schwörer S, Qin W, Cross JR, Thompson CB. Transsulfuration activity can support cell growth upon extracellular cysteine limitation. Cell Metabolism. 2019.

Zhu J, Thompson CB. Metabolic control of cell growth and proliferation. Nature Reviews Mol Cell Biol. 2019. (Review article).

8. Gao M, Yi J, Zhu J, Minikes AM, Monian P, Thompson CB, Jiang X. Role of mitochondria in ferroptosis. Molecular Cell. 2019.

Before 2019

Dou Z, Ghosh K, Vizioli MG, Zhu J, Sen P, Wangensteen KJ, Simithy J, Lan Y, Lin Y, Zhou Z, Capell BC, Xu C, Xu M, Kieckhaefer JE, Jiang T, Shoshkes-Carmel M, Tanim KMAA, Barber GN, Seykora JT, Millar SE, Kaestner KH, Garcia BA, Adams PD, Berger SL. Cytoplasmic chromatin triggers inflammation in senescence and cancer. Nature. 2017.

Capell BC, Drake AM, Zhu J, Shah PP, Dorsey J, Dou Z, Simola DF, Donahue G, Sammons MA, Rai TS, Natale C, Ridky TW, Adams PD, Berger SL. MLL1 is essential for the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. Genes & Development. 2016.

Sammons MA*, Zhu J* (equal contribution), Berger SL. A chromatin-focued siRNA screen for regulators of p53-dependent transcription. G3 (Genes Genomes Genetics). 2016.

Zhu J, Dou Z, Sammons MA, Levine AJ, Berger SL. Lysine methylation represses p53 activity in teratocarcinoma cancer cells. PNAS. 2016.

Dikovskaya D, Cole JJ, Mason SM, Nixon C, Karim SA, McGarry L, Clarke W, Hewitt RN, Sammons MA, Zhu J, Wu H, Berger SL, Blyth K, Adams PD. Mitotic stress is an integral part of the oncogene-induced senescence program that promotes multinucleation and cell cycle arrest. Cell Reports. 2015.

Dou Z, Xu C, Donahue G, Shimi T, Pan J-A, Zhu J, Ivanov A, Capell BC, Drake AM, Shah PP, Catanzaro JM, Ricketts MD, Lamark T, Adam SA, Marmorstein R, Zong W-X, Johansen T, Goldman RD, Adams PD, Berger SL. Autophagy mediates degradation of nuclear lamina. Nature. 2015.

Zhu J, Sammons MA, Donahue G, Dou Z, Vedadi M, Getlik M, Barsyte-Lovejoy D, Al-awar R, Katona BW, Shilatifard A, Huang J, Hua X, Arrowsmith CH, Berger SL. Gain-of-function p53 mutants co-opt chromatin pathways to drive cancer growth. Nature. 2015.

Sammons MA, Zhu J, Drake AM, Berger SL. TP53 engagement with the genome occurs in distinct local chromatin environments via pioneer factor activity. Genome Research. 2015.

Maxwell KN, Wubbenhorst B, D’Andrea K, Garman B, Long JM, Powers J, Rathbun K, Stopfer JE, Zhu J, Bradbury AR, Simon MS, DeMichele A, Domcheck SM, Nathanson KL. Prevalence of mutations in a panel of breast cancer susceptibility genes in BRCA1/2-negative patients with early-onset breast cancer. Genetics in Medicine. 2014