
May 13/ 2023

We participated in the “2023 doctoral student forum” of our department retreat. We presented two posters on the topics of “IDH-muatated cancers” and “iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis”. Both posters received the third-class best poster award!

May 11/ 2023

A warm celebration of Zhu lab’s second anniversary!

February / 2023

Dr. Jiajun Zhu received a “Bayer Investigator Award”, as part of the collaboration between Tsinghua Medicine and Bayer HealthCare.

September / 2022

We are delighted to be awarded a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, to support our research on the regulation of mitochondrial redox homeostasis.

October / 2021

We are grateful to receive a fund from the Agilent Technologies, Inc., University Relations (Agilent-UR), to support our research on subcellularly compartmentalized metabolism.

January / 2022

We are thankful to be granted a Spring Breeze Fund from Tsinghua University, to support our research on the regulation of cellular redox homeostasis and its clinical implications.

July / 2021

We are excited to launch our laboratory of cellular metabolism at the School of Medicine, Tsinghua University. Our renovated lab space is located in the Medical Science Building on campus.